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Nurses have to deal with on-the-job hazards

The nursing profession comes with many risks. For example, remaining close to sick patients could result in a nurse catching an illness. North Carolina health care facilities present other dangers to nurses, and severe injuries might result. Learning about possible injuries may decrease the chances of getting hurt on the job.

Nurses face many injury risks

Is there any profession that comes without the risks of slip-and-fall accidents? Nursing duties may find someone dodging all kinds of trip hazards. A patient might spill a drink, and a nurse could slip and suffer a bad fall. Poorly placed equipment or furniture may cause a fall, too.

A patient\’s careless behavior could lead to harm. Sometimes, a patient might be abusive and violent, leaving a nurse in danger. Struggling with a patient may result in fractures or worse. Unfortunately, violent outbursts are not always predictable.

Cuts and punctures cause everything from minor cuts to deep lacerations. Nurses work with and around sharp objects, and among them are needles, scissors, and scalpels. Even a minor cut might require stitches and some time away from work to prevent infection.

Exposure to toxic substances ranks high on the list of nursing profession hazards. A mishap near toxic materials could result in burns, lung irritation, and worse.

Time away from the job

Nurses know that injuries require time and rest to heal. Whether missing a few days of work or a few months, a nurse might worry about financial troubles after an on-the-job injury. Bills will continue to arrive even when someone is sick and recovering. Filing for workers\’ compensation benefits might result in payments that cover many expenses.

Workers\’ compensation applications typically require detailed evidence about the injury. Applicants will benefit from ensuring that their submitted documents are complete and accurate.