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10 ways for nurses to avoid injuries and illness

In North Carolina and throughout the country, nurses are exposed to any number of hazards that can lead to injury or illness. With 10 steps, though, nurses can significantly reduce the risks. The first step is to be well-rested. Lack of sleep impairs attention and judgment. Second, nurses should eat well and exercise as this will, among other things, boost their immune system.

There are all kinds of viruses and bacterial infections like hepatitis B and diphtheria that nurses must be immunized against. Fourth, nurses are to make sure that they are particularly up-to-date on their flu vaccination. Influenza can easily spread through coughing and sneezing. The fifth step is perhaps the most basic: hand washing.

Personal protective equipment for nurses can range from gloves and eye protection to gowns and masks. Nurses should always wear this to prevent contact with patients\’ bodily fluids. Seventh, it\’s important handle needles safely, dispose of them correctly and never recap or needlessly use connection systems.

Rather than manually lift a patient, nurses are encouraged to use a lift and transfer device, time-consuming though this may be. Nurses should also offer assistance to co-workers or ask for it as this could prevent injuries when lifting patients or calming violent ones. Lastly, nurses can watch for slip and trip hazards and practice good body mechanics.

Nurses can still be injured whether or not they are thinking consistently about workplace safety, but under workers\’ compensation law, they can receive benefits regardless of who, if anyone, was at fault for the incident. The benefits can include wage replacement and cover temporary or permanent disability. To learn more about the filing process, victims may see a lawyer for a consultation. The lawyer may even help with filing an appeal if the claim is denied.