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President Trump has proposed Social Security disability reform

President Donald Trump recently proposed a Social Security reform bill. Many individuals who plan to apply for or who already receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA) may lose their monthly payments if this new legislation goes into effect.

Right now, individuals must go through a rigorous vetting process to see if they qualify to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The frequency with which a recipient is reassessed varies depending on how profound their disability is thought to be.

Right now disability benefits recipients have their files flagged with one of three different labels: \”Medical Improvement Possible,\” \”Medical Improvement Expected\” or \”Medical Improvement Not Expected.\” Recipients with the strongest potential for improvement are reevaluated the most often.

If this proposed bill were to go into effect, then a fourth category of \”Medical Improvement Likely\” would be added. The estimated 4.4 million current recipients that would fall into this category would be reassessed every two years. This means that many of these individuals would be vulnerable to losing their benefits.

One legal analyst points out that individuals classified as Step 5 recipients would be most affected if this piece of legislation were to get passed. The types of people that fall into this category are those individuals who suffer from herniated discs, schizophrenia, back pain or depression. Many of these people are between 50 and 65-years-old and have little job skills or education.

This latest proposal is one of the many different social program cuts that the Trump administration has proposed since coming into the office several years ago. The president recently proposed a plan that would do away with food stamps for more than half a million Americans. This would result in a $5.5 billion reduction in tax costs if this legislation were to pass.

Many individuals who are unable to work due to having debilitating illnesses or injuries rely on receiving their monthly payments from the SSA. Without them, they wouldn\’t be able to survive. If you\’re concerned about your ability to qualify for or continue receiving SSDI or SSI, then you may want to consult with a Social Security Disability attorney here in Goldsboro. Your lawyer can advise you of alternate options that may be available to you in North Carolina to help you make ends meet.

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